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Topo House was the residence for those unmarried enlisted personnel that were stationed in Tehran, as well as temporary quarters for those of us just passing through.

It had a large keyhole-shaped swimming pool, a gameroom, and a bar in the basement. It had a kitchen staff that would cook to order - when I would walk in one of them would say "Cheeseburger!"

Tehran is located on a sloping plain that runs right up against the rugged Alborz mountains. Topo House was located fairly high up as the city goes, so there were a lot of views from the balconies and rooftop. I've included some of those, along with images of a dust storm.

A couple of my slides have names written on them - wish I had been consistent with that. In the bar, besides Nemant (or Nemand) the bartender, the caption says Kindall (or is it Kendall), P. Williams, and Krause. The caption on the two Iranians with the bicycle says Hassan and Ali. Yes, common names to be sure.

The last picture is of "New" Topo House, which replace the other one near the end of my army time, although I did spend time there anyway, mostly playing cards.
TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse
TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse
TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse
TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse
TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse
TopoHouse TopoHouse TopoHouse
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